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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/01/2017
August 1st 2017 at 7:00pm
Town Hall, 663 Main Street


7:00pm The Chair opened the Public meeting following a role call: Brian Berube, Jeff Larence, Jeff Bryan, Lori Stephenson and Rebecca Longvall (Conservation Agent).
Chair Brian opened the public hearing for 649 Main Street for a 4 lot FOSPRD residential subdivision. There are five lots total one which is the pre-existing home at the front of the lot closest to Main Street. The proposed common drive where the remaining lots will be accessing the back lots beings along the pre-existing cleared cart path. There is an existing stream crossing/culvert that is proposed to be improved. The majority of the work regarding the residential buildings will be located outside of the 100ft buffer of the Wetland Resource areas. Ada Woolston (an abutter) inquired about the vernal pools on the property and noted the extent of wildlife and habitat that exist presently on the property. Martha Remington inquired about any historic wetlands, topographic adjusting that would be affected by increased vegetation. The commission expressed the resource areas; vernal pools were protected whether they were certified or not. The certification allows other agencies to confirm the resource. The current 30 acre lot prior to subdivision is not proposed to be 17 acres of open space which includes the potential vernal pools and resource areas aside from the stream crossing. Lori inquired about agricultural practices on the property. There are prime agricultural soils that appear on assessment maps on USGS. There is also a request of physical confirmation of wetland lines which will be addressed at a site visit to follow. The applicants representative Brandon proposed vegetation planting or boulder wall to allow further filtration before reaching the resource area while creating a monument to deter encroachment. Martha requested that stone walls be preserved on property and not removed. Jeff B inquired about maintenance for plowing and sanding. Jeff L inquired about storm water ponds locations.
Chair Brian confirms with the commission the next meeting date of August 15th 2017 at a time to be determined. Chair Brian makes a motion to continue the public hearing for the NOI filed for 649 Main Street until august 15th at a time to be determined. Jeff B second, all unanimously approve.
7:30pm Mark O’Hagan presents to the commission the plan alteration previously approved and granted by ZBA. The site already has an Order of Conditions therefore it is up to the commission to determine the alteration a field change or to have the applicant request a formalized amendment. The change was expressed as the buildings having attached garages verses the previous unattached. One building was moved further away from the resource area. Lori inquired about moving the limit of work further away from the resource area. The access road has been removed and will be naturalized. The proposed changes would decrease the total amount of impermeable surface area on site. Therefore acting as an improvement to the site. Jeff L inquired about a limit of work/erosion control barrier clarification noted on the plans. Chair Brian suggests that these changes are field changes as they are improvements. Chair Brian takes a poll to accept the 7/30/2017 plan and field amendments OOC. All unanimously agree with adjustment of field to be naturalized area.   
Chair Brian opens the public hearing regarding a Request for Determination of Applicability relative to the proposed shed placement at 670 Main Street. The applicant Sean Duhame is present and explains the area, property and proposal to store yard equipment, tools, and sports equipment in the proposed shed. Lori inquired about spillage concerns in terms of what is proposed to be stored in the shed. The commission requests to schedule a site visit. Patricia Bensetler (an abutter) expresses concerns about beaver activity which may impact the area and landscape.
Chair Brian makes a motion to continue 670 Main Street until August 15th at a time to be determined. Jeff B seconded, all unanimously approve.
Tom Denney Camp representatives were present to discuss with the commission the placement of a shed during camp weeks. The commission requests a site visit to confirm location and shed structure/size.
Chair Brian made a motion to accept minutes as drafted for July 26th 2017. Jeff B seconded, all unanimously approve.
Jeff L discusses the use of biodegradable chainsaw oil on Conservation property. The commission is in favor.
Chair Brian moves to close the public meeting. Jeff L seconded, all unanimously approve.